Year 4
In Year 4, we are Adventurers which means we are ‘prepared, brave, risk-takers and resilient.’
In Year 4, there are two classes; 4H, taught by Miss Holdway and 4P, taught by Miss Perry. The children are also supported by Mrs Franklin, Mr Cronogue and Mrs Edwards.

Spring Term 2 - Law and Order
"Law and Order" is a thematic unit, based on the concept of justice, with a key focus on citizenship. We will look at the importance of leadership and the meaning of democracy and its origins, before moving on to how this applies practically in communities, both school-wide, locally and nationally. We finish by recognising issues of justice, rights and responsibilities in their own setting and the wider world.
Spring Term 1 - A World of Difference
This term, year 4's topic is called “A World of Difference” and is a thematic unit based around 5 world religions. It looks at the following faiths: - Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam and Judaism, examining aspects such as places of worship, holy books, core beliefs and important festivals. We will ask the children to list what they think about the concept of faith and discuss the common features of all religions. Throughout the topic, we will promote the fundamental British values of mutual respect and understanding of those with different faiths and religions, encouraging everyone to share their own experience, ideas and opinions about beliefs.
Autumn Term 2 - Window on the Word
"A Window on the World" is a thematic unit, based on global issues with a key focus on Geography. The children will learn about settlements, land use and trade links; in particular the Suez Canal as an important trade link. They will also learn about extinction and endagered species linked to captive breeding programmes.

Autumn Term 1 - Lightning Speed - Exchanging Ideas
Our topic is “Lightning Speed – Exchanging Ideas’
During the first part of this term, we will be asking the question, ‘How do people stay connected?’ We’ve been discovering how communication has changed over time, how computers communicate and how we, as humans, exchange ideas. So far, we have been practicing Morse-code, used semaphores flags to send messages to each other and even learned to count to 10 using binary!

Autumn Term 1 - Viking Warrior
“Viking Warrior” is a competency-based thematic unit with a history focus, telling the legendary story of Ragnar Lothbrok. He is a Viking “sea lord” who, according to his very famous saga, invaded the ancient Kingdom of Frankia and then the British Isles over 1000 years ago. He is known for wearing “hairy trousers”, which protected him on his adventures.