The Internet and Information Technology are now a daily part of our children’s lives. You can view our school's Computing and E-safety Policies on our policies page. We believe it is also important that parents and carers are aware of how to keep themselves and others safe when using internet enabled devices.
Parental Controls
It is really important to check that you have set parental controls on your devices at home. However, navigating the settings menus can seem a daunting task.
Below are some guides to help parents find their way around the parental controls for both Apple and Android phones, tablets, iPads, gaming consoles, PCs and TV streaming services.
These rules are designed to be easily remembered by the children to help them stay safe online. Each of the areas are explored in detail through both Computing and PSHE lessons.

Social Media and Online Messaging
Whilst children to do not have access to social media in school, they are becoming more aware of these platforms. We would like to remind parents that young people need to be at least 13 years old to have a Facebook, X (previously Twitter) or Instagram account.
Below are some guides to popular social media platforms and messaging apps. These highlight the possible issues that young people may be exposed to when using these apps. There are also guides to support parents in having conversations with their children about issues, such as cyber-bullying, setting boundries about gaming, and what information should, or should not, be shared online.
Game and App Guides
Below is a list of guides for popular games and apps that children may be playing. These guides contain useful information about features of the games and areas that parents may need to be aware of.
PEGI Game Ratings
Please be aware of the age ratings of games that your children are playing. By law, games rated 12, 16 or 18 should not be supplied to people below these ages. As teachers we do see behaviour and language in school, and on the playground, that is influenced by the games that children are playing at home - especially those games of a particularly graphic nature.
Wake Up Wednesday
Each week we send out a newsletter with a parents guide related to an aspect of internet safety. This could be linked to games, apps, social media or to an issue that is current in the news.
PEGI Game ratings

LInks to websites with information for parents and carers about internet safety.
Guides about online purchases