Year 1
In Year 1, there are two classes; 1CG, taught by Mrs Carter and Mrs Galbraith and 1S, taught by Mrs Stevens. We are supported by our lovely TA’s… Mrs Watts, Miss Day and Miss May.
The Year 1 children are Pathfinders:
Through our curriculum lessons, we are teaching our children to be:-

Spring Term 2 - Unity in the Community
In year one our topic this half term is ‘Unity in the Community’. We will be learning a little bit about the history of our School, about the landscape of the school and the roles of the people within our school community. We will then spread our wings and explore our town of Hungerford, we will go for walks and find out about the key areas within our community. We will be creating our own books titled… “We’re going on a Hungerford Hunt.” We will also be learning about different types of trees... Deciduous and Evergreen.

Spring Term 1 - Come Fly With Me - Arctic Circle
Our topic this half term is called ‘Come Fly with Me…. Arctic Circle.’
We will be having great fun learning and finding out about where the Arctic circle is and which countries have parts of them within it.
We will be learning about its location, the weather, the wildlife and the group of people who live in the Arctic region called Inuits. We will be learning about the clothing that they wear and how their traditions and customs have changed over time.
We will also learn about ‘Aurora Borealis’… the Northern lights and will be creating some beautiful artwork too!

Autumn Term 2
Our topics this half term are… ‘Never Eat Shredded Wheat’ and ‘Jurassic Hunter.’
Never Eat Shredded Wheat is a Geography based topic where we will learn about the Four Points of the Compass, the Continents of the World and the four Countries that make up the UK. We will also look, learn and identify the differences between Physical and Human features of our wonderful world.
Why not look at this Continents song on youtube and sing along like we do in school!

‘Jurassic Hunter’ is a History based topic where we will learn about the famous Paleontologist Mary Anning, we will look at Fossils and the landscape of Lyme Regis on the Jurassic Coast. We will reflect back on our previous Geography work and look at Human and Physical Features within this environment.We will also learn about the season of Autumn.

Autumn Term 1 - Happily Ever After
Our topic is “Happily Ever After”
This topic is all about fairy tales, retelling and inventing our own stories. The children will learn about a variety of traditional fairy tales including ‘The Ugly Duckling’, ‘Little Red Riding Hood’, ‘The Frog Prince’ and ‘Cinderella’. We will be working on our communication skills and learning to tell imaginative stories with a structure in a variety of different ways, such as with puppets, making sound effects with our voices and in a written form.

Parent Workshop
On Tuesday 17th September the year one staff and children enjoyed welcoming the families of our year one children into school. We loved talking about and sharing how we play and learn in year one and then the children had the opportunity to show their families around and play with them. A great time was had by all!