What we Fund
The Friends of Hungerford Primary School raises funds to enhance and benefit the children’s learning and aid teaching in various ways. Our aim is to promote the health and well-being of all the children at Hungerford Primary School.
We raise funds through local sponsorship, grant applications, fundraising activities (such as the Mother's Day Flower Sale) and events (such as the popular School Disco and our Car Boot Sale). Click here for a full list of our upcoming events.
The school has been keen to update the old and very heavy hall stage with a lighter and more up to date alternative, which will be used for school productions and assemblies. The recent £3000 raised from the Christams Fayre was match funded on the Good Exchange and has enabled the stage to be fully funded and purchased - we can't wait to see it in action!
Did you know that each year group can request up to £500 from the Friends every academic year. This is an opportunity for the year group to decide themselves how to spend the funds on something relevant to their year group.
We have a few other requests in the pipeline, and will keep you informed of their success.
School can also ask us to support one-off costs for other resources. We are sometimes asked to help with particular projects to meet a demand. If we have enough notice of a particular project, we look to apply for suitable grants.
Our twice yearly ‘Make a Difference’ days continue to be very popular, giving parents (and children of course!) the opportunity to contribute their time and skills to spruce up the outdoor areas.