FHPS News and Events
What have we been up to recently?
- Autumn School Disco: Our first Disco since 2019. The children were so excited. We had an awesome DJ, well stocked tuck shop & LOADS of dancing, the event was a huge success. Thank you for all the volunteers who helped. We raised £1200.
- Our 2nd Hand Uniform Sale is very popular and the recent sale raised £132. Please keep making donations of clean uniform in the bin located in the playground. We hope to hold another sale soon.
- Make a Difference Day: In October another successful Make a Difference day was an opportunity for parents and members of the community to tackle a list of jobs that needed doing around the school grounds. Year 1's picket fence was painted, the Friend's shed was sorted, benches and the hopscotch were repainted and the rockery area outside the playground was cleared.
- Christmas Fayre: This was an overwhelming success and rasied £3000! This was a magical evening and we thank all imvolved.
Did You Know? The PTA does this...
- School Events: We subsidise many of the year groups Day Trips & contribute to additional class resources
- Fundraising: We work with many community partners & companies
- Upgrades: We raise money to help buy new electronics & the things the school needs
If you have an idea, a skill that may help us or simply some time, we would love to hear from you.
Social Media
We have been very busy building our social media presence on Facebook and Instagram. This is a perfect platform for us to advertise all our updates, news & events, we even run competitions. Please show us your support by giving us a FOLLOW as well as commenting & sharing our posts so we can raise awareness
- Facebook: @friendsofhungerfordprimaryschool
- Instagram: @friendsofhungerfordps
Upcoming Events
- Tuesday 27 February - Bags to School
- Friday 8 March - Spring Flower Sale
- Friday 22 March - Non Uniform Day
- Wednesday 27 March - Chocolate Tombola
All queries about events should be made to Friends of Hungerford Primary School. Please note dates and events are subject to change.