Art Day 2021
During the first week back after the summer half-term holiday, we held our art week which is inspired by the National Gallery's Take One Picture project. This annual event aims to promote arts education and enable our children to make meaningful connections with arts & heritage. The picture chosen this year was 'A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of Grand Jatte' painted by post impressionist artisit, George Seurat. The children had discussed the painting in class before Art week before focusing on a particular theme.
The Hungerford Theatre Company very kindly came to school to help bring the painting to life and three of their actors wandered up through the playground to the field to find shade under the trees, just like the people in the painting.
Wood artist, Zac Newham, came to school to make the Hungerford Primary School logo with the children. He talked to them about different species of trees and helped them to identify them by looking at the different shapes, sizes and smells of the different chips. The mural is now on display just outside of the school hall.

