Mrs Smith's News
School Values
Your child may have been coming home and talking to you about our school values. These are the bedrock on which we base everything that happens in school and they are the qualities that we hope all our children will have by the time they are adults. Our School Values are:
Kindness; Responsibility; Community–mindedness; Resilience; Aspiration; Curiosity.
Please talk to your children about our school values and see if they can show them at home as well.
Just a reminder that this is the single most important thing you can do with your child. Please find the time to listen to them read and also to read to them. Children love hearing stories from adults especially parents, grandparents or other family members.
Children who read and are read to at home are considerably more likely to do well at GCSE and go on to University or apprenticeships than those who don’t. Their life chances are greater.
Every week in assembly we celebrate those children who have managed to read at home at least 5 times in the previous week. I look forward to the day when this is every child.

Friends of Hungerford Primary School
The school PTA is a vitally important group who over the years have raised many thousands of pounds to help our children.
If you would like to get involved with the Friends, who do the most amazing work to raise funds for a lot of the additional resources and learning opportunities that the children have, please contact Natalie Thatcher or Amy Taylor. You can also leave a message with the school office. They are always looking for willing volunteers
Please contact them on if you would like to be involved.
At the end of each term you will be receiving an update on your child’s attendance to date.
We do realise that some absences will be due to long periods of illness, and some will be due to being taken out of school to go on holiday. The information you will receive will not explain the absences but just give you the latest percentage attendance.
For your guidance we aim for 96% attendance over the whole year.