Year 3
In Year 3, there are two classes; 3C, taught by Miss Crook and 3F, taught by Mrs Findlay. The children are also supported by Miss Richards, Miss Regan and Miss Appleby.
In Year 3, we are Adventurers which means we are;
- Prepared
- Brave
- Risk-Takers
- Resilient

Spring Term 1 - Come Fly With Me - Africa
“Come Fly With Me! Africa” is a thematic unit based around the continent of Africa, with a key focus on geography and history. We will be learning about the location of Africa and identifying its largest countries. Alongside this geography element, we will study the Early Benin era. We will also learn about African culture, in particular typical African food and folk tales.
To bring this topic to life, the children took part in an African drumming workshop. They loved this experience and some of them even made it on to the news!
The children are also enjoying the science we are covering within this topic. The highlight of their week was getting messy when replicating the digestive system. Looking at teeth was something that they were also fascinated by.

Autumn Term 2 - Out and About / Lindow Man
“Out and About” is a thematic unit with a key focus on geography. We will be naming and locating counties and cities of the United Kingdom, geographical regions and their identifying human and physical characteristics, using the eight points of a compass, four-figure grid references, symbols and keys; using fieldwork to observe, measure and record the human and physical features in the local area and developing an understanding of why the place our school is located is like it is.

‘Lindow Man’ is a competency-based thematic unit with a history focus, telling the story of prehistoric Britain, from the Stone Age to the Celts.
This topic gave us a great excuse to use our local environment. On the Common, the children loved becoming stone age people and building stone age homes using natural resources.

Autumn Term 1 – That’s All Folks!
“That’s All Folks!” is a thematic unit based around the history and development of animation and cartoons. It teaches the beginnings of animation, looking at zoetropes and flip books, before moving on to the dawn of the Disney age. Then, the process of animation is explored further, with an opportunity for pupils to exchange their own design ideas and create their own animated films.

We have been busy making thaumatropes, zoetropes and our own animations on the computer using ZU3D. The children in Year 3 have loved using plasticine to create their own characters 🙂